Tonight's Program!
it's the

best. showcase. ever.

Intro: A very warm welcome from our founder, Melissa Mulligan! 

Performances (approximately 90 minutes with no intermission)

  1. Zoe Lemos
  2. Andy Ciardella
  3. XOE Miles
  4. Nick Valle 
  5. Aspen Jean
  6. Rae Larz 
  7. Brad Hoshaw
  8. Dan Cahill
  9. Collin Marrero 
  10. Wynn.E 
  11. Gautam Malhotra
  12. Eva Markham
  13. Joyce Tratnyek
  14. CARA
  15. Connor McQuillan
  16. Melissa Mulligan

Closing: Networking hang until 9:30pm!

Your Hosts!

Melissa Mulligan 
@music_career_mastermind on IG
Kirsten Engebretson
@music_career_mastermind on IG

Tonight's Illustrious Performers:

Eva Markham

@_eevuh_ on IG

Nick Valle

@nickvalleofficial on IG

XOË Miles

@xoemiles on IG

Stephen P. Rodgers

@stephenpeterrodgers on IG

Brad Hoshaw

@bradhoshawmusic on IG

Gautam Malhotra

@malhotga on IG

Zoe Lemos 

@zoelemosmusic on IG

Ava Bryant

@avabryantmusic on IG

Rae Larz

@raelarz on IG

Andy Ciardella

@ciarbys on IG

Dan Cahill

@dan_patrick_cahill on IG

Aspen Jean

@aspenjeanmusic on IG

Joyce Tratnyek

@joyce_tratnyek on IG

Connor McQuillan

@connormusic on IG

Wynn.E on IG

Atalaya Green

@atalayagreen on IG

Collin Marrero

@collinmarrero on IG


@candidxcara on IG
NYC Mastermind Vibes Playlist!
Listen to some of the performers you'll be hearing tonight!
A Quick Note from Mel:

The recording artists you're seeing tonight are the real deal.

Some have been performing professionally for decades, while others are in the opening chapters of their music career memoirs.

All of them are here because they are pursuing excellence, creative fulfillment, and the joy that comes from connecting with others through music!

You're welcome to take photos and video clips of the performances, but otherwise please limit your phone usage.

Our artists have worked very hard to bring their whole hearts to their performances. Seeing your faces when they sing is all they ask in return.

Thank you so much for being here!

